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Menu Single Product

Single Product View uses the following files in components/com_mymuse/views/product:

  • product.xml
  • product.php
  • product_heading.php
  • product_items.php
  • product_physical.php
  • procuct_recommends.php
  • product_recording.php
  • product_tracks.php


single product front

The Procuct View has many options. They are based on the options for Joomla articles, with the addition of product specific options.
The options are:

single product options1

single product options2 

single product options3


The Product View options:


  • Show Product Title: Show/hide the product title.
  • Show Icons: Show/hide the icons.
  • Show Print: Show/hide the print icon.
  • Show Email: Show/hide the email icon.

Product Details

  • Show Parent Category: Show/hide the parent category title.
  • Link Parent: Link to the parent category.
  • Show Catgory: Show/hide the product category title.
  • Link Category: Link to the category.
  • Show Author: Show/hide the author.
  • Link Author: Show/hide theLink to the author.
  • Show Create Date: Show/hide the crete date.
  • Show Modify Date: Show/hide the modify date.
  • Show Publish Date: Show/hide the publish date.
  • Show Hits: Show/hide the hits.
  • Show Unauthorized Links: If set to Yes, links to registered content will be shown even if you are not logged-in. You will need to log in to access the full item.
  • Show MiniCart: Show a mini cart at the top of the page with number of items and link to cart.

Product Description

  • Show Recording Details: Recording details can include: Release Date, Full time, Country, Publisher, Producer and Studio.
  • Show SKU Product: Show the SKU.
  • Show Release Info: Show a section with , Category name,SKU, and link to purchase All Tracks.
  • Show Intro Text: Show/hide the Intro text.
  • Show Product Image: Show/hide the product image.
  • Product Image Height: Force the product iamge height.
  • Show "Read More":  Show/hide a "Read Mor"e link to the fyll text below.
  • Show Title with Read More: Show/hide the title with the Read more link.
  • Show Fulltext: : Show/hide the fulltext below the products.
  • Show Recommends: Show recommended products at the bottom.
  • Recommend by Category: Over ride recommended selection with other items from the same category.

Physical Items

  • Show Quantity: Show/hide a quantity box for physical items.
  • Show Items in a select dropdown: If Items have the same name, you can show a select box based on the attribute.


  • Show Tracks: Show/hide the tracks section.
  • Track Order: the order to show the tracks.
  • Date for Ordering: If ordered by date, which one.
  • Show Select Column: Show/hide the select column.
  • Show File Size: Show/hide the File Size column.
  • Show File Time: Show/hide, the File Time column.
  • Show Sales: Show/hide sales column.
  • Show Downloads: Show/hide the downloads column.
  • Show Cost Column: Show/hide the cost column.
  • Show Preview Column: Show/hide the preview column.
  • Show Add to Cart Button: Show/hide the Add to cart button.


  • Hits: 4917