Registration Options
Registration Options
There are 4 options:
- Joomla
This will ask for the usual Joomla! registration fields:
- Name
- Username
- Password
- Confirm Password
- Email Address
- Confirm Email Address
Note: you should not have any User->Profile plugins turned on
- Full
This will ask for the above Joomla! registration fields PLUS present a User Profile field set based on the active User->profile plugin.
Jommla! ships with it's own User->profile plugin as an example. Use the User->MyMuse Profile plugin.
It adds a javascript to select the appropriate Region/State after a Country is chosen. Plus it enables you to assign a shopper to a particular Shopper Group if you have created several, and assign a particular Category to a shopper, if you want to allow particular artists to view reports of just their sales figures.
You could create your own profile plugin. If you do you may assign that in the Components->MyMuse->Store Store Options parameter called "Profile Name". This is the name of the file without the .php ending.
In Extensions->Plugin Manager choose Type = User.
Open "User - MyMuse Profile".
There are two groups of parameters
User profile fields for registration and administrator user forms and
In both groups you can set fields to be "Required", "Optional" or "Disabled" - JomSocial
If you have Jomsocial installed, MyMuse will check if the shopper is logged in and, if not, redirect to the Jomsocial login page before allowing checkout. - No Registration
- If you choose No Registration you should enable the User->MyMuse No Registration plugin and disable other User Profile plugins. DO NOT disable the User-> Joomla plugin or you will not be able to log in as administrator. :)
- You can enable whatever fields you want in the User->MyMuse No Registration plugin, to capture for guest users whatever fields you need. You probably want their name and email so you may contact them.
- People will be logged in as a guest user during their session, and, if coming from a download link in their mail (where they will be logged in as the guest user), the guest user will assume their identity, using the fields that you have chosen to enable.
- You should not have a login module. They do not have an account so cannot log in, except by using their download links to log in as the guest user.
- You should not have a menu item of type "List My Orders". You do not want to show all orders of the Guest User.
- If you enable email in the plugin User->MyMuse No Registration, then users will recieve an email when they make a purchase with a download link if applicable to their purchase. If they click that link, they will be logged in as the Guest User and be able to download files.
- RESTRICTION: since they cannot log in later, they have to download their files while their session is active.
Store Help Screen. Plugins Help Screen.
- Hits: 5290