Menu Category plus List of Tracks by Artist
Category plus List of Tracks by Artist View uses the files in /components/com_mymuse/views:
- /tracks/tmpl/alphatunes.xml
- /tracks/tmpl/alphatunes.php
Category plus List of Tracks by Artist View does not show subcategory listings. The menu can point at a high level category and subcategories, with their products and tracks, will be included. For example, we can point to the category "Artists" and all subcategories under that will be included.
The List of Tracks View has two sets of option: Category and Tracks.
Category Options:
The Category options are:
- Category Title: Show/hide the category title. The title is usually inside an "H2" tag.
- Category Description: Show or hide the description of the selected Category.
- Category Image: Show or hide the image of the selected Category.
- Image Height: Optional force height for category image.
Tracks Options
- Show Product Title: Show/Hide Product title.
- Show Minicart: Show/hide minicart that displays number of products.
- Show Alphabet: Show/hide Alphabet, with links to Artists whose name starts with that letter.
- Display Select: Show/hide select for number of products to display.
- Filter Field: Show/hide filter field for searching.
- Table Headings: Show/hide column names.
- Link titles: Link titles to individual product pages.
- Show File Length: Show/hide file length.
- Show Price Column: Show/hide price column.
- Show Discount column: Show/hide Discount column.
- Show Date Column: Show/hide Date Column. Choose date below.
- Date format: Format of the date column. Default is here: language/en-GB/en-GB.ini:DATE_FORMAT_LC3="d F Y".
- Show Sales Column: Show/hide Sales column.
- Show Downloads: Show/hide Downloads column.
- Show Preview Column: Show/hide Preview column.
- Show Add to Cart Button: Show/hide Add to Cart button
- Category Order: Primary order.
- Product Order: Secondary order.
- Track Order: will take precedence over other orders.
- Date for Ordering: Date used in ordering and Date Column.
- Featured: Show only tracks marked as featured.
- Group By: Select one track only from Artist (Category) or product.
- Pagination: Show/hide Pagination.
- Pagination Results: Show/hide results. Example: Page 1 of 4.
- # Products to List: Initial number of products to list.
- Hits: 5511