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Menu Category plus Products in a Blog

Category plus Products in a Blog Layout View uses the files in /components/com_mymuse/views:

  • /category/tmpl/blog.xml
  • /category/tmpl/blog.php
  • /category/tmpl/blog_children.php (for sub-categories)
  • /category/tmpl/blog_item.php (for Leading and Intro products)
  • /category/tmpl/blog_links.php (for links)



category plus products in a blog

With Sub-categories:


Category plus Products in a Blog Layout View has the following options:

category blog options

The options include:

  • # Leading Products: Number of leading products to display full width at the beginning of the page.
  • # Intro Products: Number of products to display in columns.
  • # Columns: Number of columns to use for intro products.
  • # Links: Number of links to further products to display at the bottom of the page.
  • Multi Column Order: Down or across.
  • Include Subcategories: If None, only products from this category will show. If a number, all products from the category and the subcategories up to and including that level will show in the blog.

Other tabs include:

Details: see the Single Product Page

Category: see the Category Plus Products in List Page

Shared Options: see the Category Plus Products in List Page

Product Options: see the Single Product Page

  • Hits: 4882