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Shipping is handled by plugins.

Go to Extensions->Plugin Manager and select MyMuse in the type filter. Choose ONE of the following.

MyMuse Shipping Standard

Set up to four choices for your customers. Set the Carrier name (ex. UPS) and method (ex. ground) and set amounts for first item and each additional item.
You can also set a level for Free Shipping if the total is less. 
You can have the strings you enter be Language Strings. They must be entered manually in the language files.

MyMuse Shipping Price

In Options, define the type of shipping ( by Amount or Percentage of Total) and the breakpoints for Ranges.
Set up to eight choices for your customers.
In each choice set the Carrier name and method and several levels of charges, depending on your Options, based on percent or total cost of goods.
Set wether to Ship to ALL Countries (YES or NO) and define exceptions.

MyMuse Shipping USPS

You must have an account at USPS. Set options for Username and Server and Miscellaneous Settings.
Set up to four choices for your customers. Set the Service name (ex. Media Mail Parcel) and other options. More on USPS.

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