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Install - Update - Uninstall


Go to Extensions->Extension Manager-> Install



Find your package on your local computer using the "Browse" button. Then click "Upload and Install".

If this does work for some reason, for example: your host does not allow files over 2 megabytes or your connection is timing out, you can use FTP to put the unpacked file into your tmp directory  (or other directory if you wish) and use the "Install from Directory" option.

A third option is to upload the file somewhere and point to it with the "Install from URL" option.

 After installation/upgrading you should see a screen like this.





To update MyMuse with the latest file, follow the same procedure as installing. It is always good practice to MAKE A BACKUP before major changes.
It will not touch your database and will simply overwrite old files with new ones. In case of emergency, have a backup.

MyMuse also uses Live Update. Go to Components->MyMuse to see the welcome screen. Live Update will inform you if there are updates available.
You must enter your username and password from the MyMuse site in the options screen to be able to receive the updates



To uninstall MyMuse, go to  Extensions->Extension Manager-> Manage
Filter on the word MyMuse




You need ONLY SELECT MyMuse, the Administrator - Component. It will remove the component, all database tables,  all MyMuse modules and plugins.

After uninstalling it will present a screen with information on what was done.






  • Hits: 26392

Welcome Screen

Go to Extensions->MyMuse



Live Update

  • MyMuse uses Live Update to download newer versions. You must enter your username and password for the MyMuse site in the Options screen to receive the updates.



  • Add Sample Data: This will create three Categories, MyMuse as a top level with "Iron Brew" and "World Music" under that. Then it will create a product with two tracks with previews. It fetches the previews and images from the server. Your PHP version needs cURL for this to work.

  • Store: opens the Edit Store screen.
  • Plugins/User Plugins: opens list screens for MyMuse plugins or User Plugins

  • Parameters/Options. Look over the Options for the component by clicking on "Options" in the top right corner. These can be overridden by Menu options. 

  • Categories: opens teh List screen for MyMuse Categories.
  • Products/Albums: opens the List screen for MyMuse products.
  • Taxes: opens the List screen for MyMuse taxes.
  • Create Menus: opens the list screen for Menus.
  • Hits: 9513

Store Edit

The Store Edit Page

How to Access

Click on 'Store' in the 'Components->MyMuse' menu in the back-end of your Joomla! installation.

List Page

The store [List] page lists the stores in your installation. MyMuse currently only supports one store.


The Store [edit] page holds information for your store.


  • Title (required): the name of your store.
  • Alias (optional): Joomla! will create an alias that can be used in SEF URL's
  • Top Level Category: the category to associate with the store.
  • Status: published or not.
  • This is the default description of your store. You can point to it from a menu item by choosing
    MyMuse->Store->Store Layout


EDIT CSS: Edit  CSS that applies to MyMuse



CONTACT: will be used with all emails.

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Title (optional)
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • State/Province/Region
  • Country: choose your country and if we know the states/provinces we will show them
  • Zip/Postal Code
  • Currency: will be sent to your payment processor as your currency
  • Small Logo: will be used on html emails

  • Downloads Enable: Turn downloads on or off.

  • Formats to Sell: If you want to sell multiple formats, you must supply them for each product. For example "MP3 and WAV
  • Download Max: Maximum number of times the customer can make the download.

  • Download Expire: How long until the download expires in seconds (43200 is 3 days).

  • Download Enable Status: The order status that is required before downloads are
    enabled 'C; is confirmed.

  • Download Directory: The FULL PATH to the download files. Depending on your hosting, you may be
    able to put this out of the web directory. /path/to/your/site/images/A_MyMuseDownloads.

    If you are using S3 integration, the Amazon S3 bucket where your download files will be / are stored. The bucket must exist (MyMuse can't create it for you). The user identifed by the Access and Secret Key provided above must have at least read access to the bucket for downloads to work. IMPORTANT! Bucket names are case sensitive. Abc, abc and ABC are three <em>different</em> buckets as far as Amazon S3 is concerned!

  • Download Directory Type: The default is "Artist-alias/Product-alias" ex: pink-floyd/dark-side-of-the-moon. The other option is "By format (ex. mp3 or wav)". with this option you would store your mp3's in the folder  download-directory/mp3 and your wav's in download-directory/wav. For example:

  • Use Zip for All Files: When creating an "All Files" type of track (selling all the files for one album/product), make a zip file on the fly. This saves the customer downloading each file separately.

    You must have the zip enabled in your PHP and have the memory available per process for all the files combined. memory_limit should be greater than all the files plus the regular php process. This can be quite big is selling wav files :)

  • Preview Directory: The relative path to the preview directory.
    Default is 'images/A_MyMusePreviews'.

    If you are using S3 integration, the Amazon S3 bucket where your files will be / are stored. The bucket must exist (MyMuse can't create it for you). The user identifed by the Access and Secret Key provided above must have at least read access to the bucket for downloads to work. IMPORTANT! Bucket names are case sensitive. Abc, abc and ABC are three <em>different</em> buckets as far as Amazon S3 is concerned!

  • Previews all in one directory: this does away with the "Artist-alias/Product-alias" and you can place all your previews in the Preview Directory.
  • S3 Integration: MyMuse can optionally integrate with Amazon S3 to store your download files. You will need an Amazon S3 subscription. Enter bucket names in the Download and preview directories.

  • S3 Website:  To show your previews from S3 storage, enter the endpoint. Ex:
  • Access Key: Your Amazon S3 Access Key. You can create one or find your existing one at
  • Secret Key: Your Amazon S3 Secret Key. You can create one or find your existing one at
  • Default Permissions: Default permissions to apply to files which are uploaded to Amazon S3 Download Directory Bucket.

  • Timeout for authenticated URLs: MyMuse creates what Amazon calls authenticated URLs for downloads of all items stored in S3 buckets. These URLs are designed to expire after a predefined amount of time. This option controls when these download URLs will expire. Keep this limit short. Increase only if you are hosting large files and you want your users to be able to use download managers, such as DownThemAll, which launch several connections over the duration of the entire download process. IMPORTANT! Make sure your server clock is synchronised with a time server in order for this feature to work as expected and allow downloads of files stored on Amazon S3.

  • Encode Filenames: DEPRECATED. Rename file to an md5 hash (32 bit string of characters and numbers). This option will no longer be available. We found it confused admins and made tracking your files difficult.Saving the store will convert your filenames to their original names.

  • Free Downloads From Page: If set to yes, then free products will have a download graphic and link to the Preview Directory.

  • Play the download file Play the file from the Download Directory if it has been purchased by the user.
    You must remove the .htaccess file from the Download Directory for this to work.

Upload Options

store upload options

The 'Plupload' script allows you to upload files using HTML5, Gears, Silverlight, Flash, BrowserPlus or normal forms. It provides some additional features such as upload progress, image resizing and chunked uploads. NOTE not all features exist in all browsers. All settings are changeable in the configuration. See also:

  • Uploader runtime: Select a runtime for plupload uploader. Default is 'All runtimes'. Note: By selecting All runtimes the uploader will auto select a runtime that works in your current browser.
  • Maximum file size: Maximum file size that can be selected in the browser window.
  • Chunk Size: Enables you to chunk the file into smaller parts. For example, if your PHP backend has a max post size of 1 MB, you can chunk a 10 MB file into 10 parts. Note: This MUST be a numerical value. Leave empty or zero to disable this feature.
  • Unit for chunk size: Define the unit type to be used for the chunk size option above.
  • Enable file rename?: You can rename files in the upload queue before uploading them. Set to Yes to enable this feature.
  • Allowed image extensions: Allows you to specify which Image file extensions that you are able to pick from a browser window.
    Separate each image extension type with a comma(,).
  • Other allowed file extensions: Other file extensions that you are able to select from a browser window.
    Separate each file extension with comma(,)."
  • Unique names: Generate unique (random) filenames when uploading. This will generate unqiue filenames for the files so that they do not for example collide with existing ones on the server. Recommended: No.
  • Enable image resizing: When Yes, uploaded images are automatically resized to the settings defined below. This only works for .png and .jpg images and needs either Firefox 3.5+ or Chrome.
  • Width: Image width (px)
  • Height: Image height (px)
  • Quality: Resizing quality (%). Recommended: 90.
  • Show uploader log?:  Dispay logs when uploader state changes.




  • Use Shipping: turn shipping plugins on or off.
  • Add Shipping Automatically: If there is only one shipping option, add it automatically and send a message to the customer.
  • Use Stock: Add stock numbers to physical items. They will be deducted by each sale quantity.
  • Check Stock: Stop the order if the stock would be less than zero.
  • Add Zero Stock: Add the zero stock items to the order anyway.


store edit store
  • Save Order: Save order before payment is made is the standard. You may receive orders that are
    abandoned at the payment processor. * After Payment only works with PayPal Regular plugin *
  • Use coupons:Let thecustomer enter coupons for a discount.
  • Thousands Separator: For your currency.
  • Decimal Point: Some countries use commas.
  • Currency Symbol Before: Currency symbol before or after price.
  • Page if need login: When it is time to login, send them to Joomla's Registration page or Login page.
  • Type of Registration:
    • Joomla: just use Joomla's registration. Capture their name, username, email and password.
    • Full: includes Joomla registration PLUS any required or optional items from your Profile plug-in.
      The default plugin is Plug-ins->User->User - MyMuse Profile. If you activate a different plugin, enter its file name (without the .php extension).
    • Jom Social: checks if the user is logged in, if not, send them to Jom Social login page.
    • No Registration: uses a guest account to log in clients. You can still capture fields that you have set as required or optional in the
      Plug-in User->User - MyMuse No Registration Profile. These are saved in the Notes field of the order.

      Do not enable multiple profile plug-ins.
  • Checkout: Regular or Skip Confirm Page. Most payment processors recommend or insist on a Confirm Page with all the details of the order.
  • Profile Name: name of your profile plugin (just use 'mymuse' unless you know what you are doing and write your own plugin).
  • Use Product alias in URL: SEF URL's will use only the top menu alias/product alias in the router.
  • Top MyMuse Menu: This will be first in URLs before your product/category alias or cart function.
  • Show Cart Previews: Show Previews for tracks in cart
  • Show Cart Player: Show the Player in the Cart
  • Notes Required: Force the customer to enter notes.
  • Notes Title: The title above the Notes text area.
  • Notes Message: a message that appears above the notes area. Can contain html.
  • Disable CSS: Do not load the MyMuse CSS file. You have copied it into your main template.css or somewhere else.
  • Plugin email: Be notified by the Payment Plugin for every transaction.
  • CC Webmaster: copy webmaster on every email.
  • Email of webmaster
  • Name of webmaster
  • Continue shopping link: When they are looking at the cart they can choose "Checkout" or "Continue
    Shopping". This sets the link for "Continue Shopping".
  • Date Format: Change the way dates are displayed.
  • Email Message: Include an email message with emails that go out.
  • Show Original Price: Will show original price with Strike-through and the discounted price.
  • Add taxes to Prices: Include taxes with prices.
  • Default Shopper Group: Do not change unless you have a reason to.
PRICING OPTIONS: Select the way you set prices.
store edit pricing 1
  • Pricing Model: Default is "Price by Track". Each individual track can have its own pricing.
    Option: "Price by Product". For each product set the price of files by each format and for All Files by format.




SALES REPORTS FOR ARTISTS: You can assign users to a group and a category, and create a menu for them to access sales reports.


  • Owner Group: You can create a new group for your artists or leave this as Public
  • Cut to the Artist: Percentage of sales that will be given to the artist.



  • Shop Test: You do not have to pay for items. The cart session is not destroyed when making an order.
  • Debug MyMuse: Save Payment Gateway messages to /components/com_mymuse/log.txt.
  • View debug log: open a screen to view debug messages.


At the top left you will see the toolbar:


The functions are:

  • Save. Save the store and return to the list screen.

  • Save & Close. Save the store and return to the list page.

  • Close. Do not save, just return to the list screen.

  • Help. That's me :).




  • Hits: 23932

MyMuse Options


Global default settings for menu types which display products in different layouts and formats.

How To Access

To access this screen:

  • Navigate to the MyMuse screen, then
  • Click the Options toolbar button. This opens the MyMuse Component Options screen in a modal window.


This screen is where you can set global defaults for menu items that display products. These default values will be used when you select "Use Global" for an option in a products menu item. For example, if you normally want to show the Create Date for an Product in your Products menu items, then set that option to "Show" here and it will be the default value. You do not need to set any of these options. You can adjust them them by menu.

Product options are divided into eight groups as follows. Each controls the appearance of the listed type of layout.

  • Products: Products in Single Product or blog layouts.
  • Categories: Products Categories layout.
  • Category Pages: Single Category layouts -- for example, when you click on a category to view the Products it contains.
  • Blog/Column Layout:  Category Blog Layout.
  • List Layouts: Category List Layout.
  • Shared Options: Shared options for list, blog, and featured layouts.
  • Integration: Feed Link and Read More options.
  • Live Updates: Enter your username and password for the MyMuse site to enable updates.
  • Permissions: ALC permissions for actions on Products.




At the top left of the Options screen you will see the toolbar.


The functions are:

  • Save. Saves any changed options and keeps the window open. Use this, for example, to see the effect of Permissions changes you have made.
  • Save & Close. Saves any changed options and closes the screen.
  • Cancel. Closes the screen without saving any changes.



Form Fields

Products Options

Product Options control how an Product will show in a Single Product menu item or when coming from a menu of type Categories or Category.
If a menu item exists for the product, then that menu's options will take precedance.

  • Show Title: (Hide/Show). Hide or Show the Product title.
  • Show Intro Text: (Hide/Show) If set to Show, the Intro text will be displayed near the top.
  • Show Product Image: (Hide/Show) If set to Show, the product detail image will be displayed near the top.
  • Product Image Height: Force the image height to be this, otherwise it is whatever height was uploaded.
  • Show Quantity: (Hide/Show) Should the cart table show the quantity, allowing the customer to change the quantity.
  • Show Fulltext: (Hide/Show) If set to Show, the full text will be displayed below the shopping cart options.
  • Show Recording Details: (Hide/Show). show any fields with values from the group Recording Details: Release Date, Full time, Country, Publisher, Producer, Studio.
  • Show Tracks:  (Hide/Show) If set to Show, the tracks table will be shown. It is possible your preview player will include the tracks.
  • Player Type:(One player for each, One Player for All, Player with Playlist) It is possible that a custom player will not offer all these options.
    • One Player for each will show the player beside each track.
    • One Player for all will show the player at the top of the tracks table and each track will have a "Play" button. 
    • Player with Playlist will show one player with a list of clickable names in a playlist below.
  • Player Width: Set the player width. Some have default widths. Not all players respect this.
  • Player Height: Set the player height. Some have default heights. Not all plyers respect this.
  • Show Select Column: (Hide/Show) If set to Show, the cart tables will start with a checkbox for each item.
  • Show File Size(Hide/Show) If set to Show, the cart tables will include the file size of the downloadable product.
  • Show File Time: (Hide/Show) If set to Show, the cart tables will include the file time of the downloadable product.
  • Show Cost Column: (Hide/Show) If set to Show, the cart tables will include the cost of the product.
  • Show Preview Column: (Hide/Show) If set to Show, the cart tables will include the preview of the product.
  • Show Add to Cart Button: (Hide/Show) If set to Show, the cart tables will be followed by the "Add Selections to Cart" button.
  • Show Items in a select Dropdown: (Yes/No) If set to Yes, items will be displayed in a dropdown. 
    All items with the same name will be in one dropdown.

  • Show Category: (Hide/Show). Hide or Show the Product's category title.
  • Link Category: (No/Yes). If the category title is shown, whether or not to show it as a link to a Single Category menu item for the category. Note that you can set this to be either a blog or list layout with the "Choose a layout" option in the Category Options.
  • Show Parent Category: (Hide/Show). Hide or Show the title of the parent category of the Product's category. This is provided for backward compatibility to the role of Sections in Joomla version 1.5.
  • Link Parent: (No/Yes). If the parent category is shown, whether or not to show it as a link to a Single Category menu item for the category. Note that you can set this to be either a blog or list layout with the "Choose a layout" option in the Category Options.
  • Show Author: (Hide/Show). Hide or Show the Product's author.
  • Link Author: (No/Yes). If the author is shown, whether or not to show it as a link to the Joomla user. Note that this will only show as a link if there is a Contact associated with this user. Also, a link will not show if there is an Author Alias value for the Product.
  • Show Create Date: (Hide/Show). Hide or show the Product's create date.
  • Show Modify Date: (Hide/Show). Hide or show the date the Product was last modified.
  • Show Publish Date: (Hide/Show). Hide or show the Product's published date.
  • Show Navigation: (Hide/Show). Hide or Show a navigation link (e.g., Next, Previous) between Products.
  • Show Voting: (Hide/Show). Hide or Show a voting button for the Product. This allows users to vote for an Product.
  • Show "Read More": (Hide/Show) Whether or not to show the "Read More..." link to link from the part of the Product before the "Read More..." break to the rest of the Product.
  • Show Title with Read More: (Hide/Show) Whether or not to show the Product title as part of the Read More link. If set to Show, the Read More link will be in the format "Read More: <Product title>". If set to Hide, the Read More link will be "Read more...".
  • Show Icons: (Hide/Show). Hide or Show icons for the print and email buttons. If Show, and if the print or email icons are set to show, these will show as icons instead of text links.
  • Show Print Icon: (Hide/Show). Hide or Show a button or link to allow printing the Product.
  • Show Email Icon: (Hide/Show). Hide or Show a button or link to allow emailing the Product.
  • Show Hits: (Hide/Show). Hide or Show the number of times the Product has been viewed (called hits).
  • Show Unauthorised Links: (Hide/Show). If set to Show, the Intro Text for restricted Products will show. Clicking on the "Read More" link will require users to log in to view the full Product content. If set to Hide, Products that the user is not authorised to view (based on the viewing access level for the Product) will not show.



Categories Options

Categories Options control the display of the List All Categories menu item.

  • Top Level Category Description: (Hide/Show). Hide or Show the description of the top-level category.
  • Top Level Category Description: Text to show.
  • Subcategory Levels:. (All/1-5). How many levels in the hierarchy to show.
  • Empty Categories: (Hide/Show). Hide or Show categories that contain no Products and no subcategories.
  • Subcategories Descriptions: (Hide/Show). Hide or Show the description of each subcategory.
  • Show Product Count: (Hide/Show). Hide or Show a count of the total number of Products in each category.


Category Pages Options

Category Options control how Products will show when you drill down to a Category to view its Products.

  • Choose a layout: (Blog/List/user defined). This lets you select the default layout to show when you click on a product link in a Category page. If you create an alternative layout for a category layout, you may select that as the default.
  • Category Title: (Hide/Show) Hide or Show the title of the category.
  • Category Description: (Hide/Show) Hide or Show the description for the category.
  • Category Image: (Hide/Show) Hide or Show the category image.
  • Image height: Restrict the height of the category image.
  • Subcategory Levels: (None/All/1-5). Categories in Joomla can be created in a hierarchy. This lets you control how many levels of subcategories to show when showing a category view.
  • The number of columns to show: Present the subcateory list in this many columns.
  • Empty Categories: (Hide/Show) Hide or Show categories that don't contain any Products or subcategories.
  • No Products Message: (Hide/Show) If Show, and if Empty Categories is Show, a message "There are no Products in this category" will show if a category contains no Products.
  • Show Subcat Image: (Hide/Show) Hide or Show the sub-category image.
  • Subcategories Descriptions: (Hide/Show) Hide or Show the descriptions for subcategories that are shown.
  • Show Product Count: (Hide/Show) Hide or Show a count of the total number of Products in each category.
  • Page Subheading: Include a sub heading on the page. 
  • Show All Products: (Hide/Show) Show all products in the selected category.
  • Show Product Image: (Hide/Show) Hide or Show the product image.
  • Product Image Height: Force the product image height in the Category page. Only applicable when Show All Products is set to Show.
  • Show Intro Text: (Hide/Show) Show intro text of the product with each listing on the Category page.
  • Link titles: (Yes/No) If set to Yes, the Title of the product will have a link to the product detail page.
  • Show Comment Total: (Hide/Show) If using Jcomments, show the total comments for each product.



Blog / Column / Featured Layout Options

These options control the layout of the Category Blog and Featured Products layouts.

  • # Leading Products: Number of Products to show using the full width of the main display area. "0" means that no Products will show when using the full width. If a Product has a "Read more..." break, only the part of the text before the break (the Intro text) will display.
  • # Intro Products: Determines the number of Products to display after the leading Product. These Products will display in the number of columns set in the Columns parameter below. If an Product has a "Read more..." break, only the text before the break (Intro text) will display, followed by a "Read more..." link. The order order in which to display the Products is determined by the Category Order and Product Order parameters below.
  • # Columns: The number of columns to use in the Intro Text area. This is normally between 1 and 3 (depending on the template you are using). If 1 is used, the Into Text Products will display using the full width of the display area, just like the Leading Products.
  • # Links: The number of Links to display in the 'Links' area of the page. These links allow a User to link to additional Products, if there are more Products than can fit on the first page of the Blog Layout.
  • Multi Column Order:In multi-column blog layouts, whether to order Products Down the columns or Across the columns.
    • Down: Order Products going down the first column and then over to the next column, for example:
Product 1 1 (continued)
Product 2 Product 4
Product 3 Product 5
  • Across: Order Products going across the columns and then back to the first column, for example:
Product 1 1 (continued)
Product 2 Product 3
Product 4 Product 5
  • Include Subcategories: (None/All/1-5). If None, only Products from the current category will show. If 1-5, all
    Products from the current category and subcategories up to and including that level will show. If All, all
    Products from the current category and all subcategories will show.



List Layout Options

These options control the appearance of the Category List layout.

  • Display Select.(Hide/Show) Whether to hide or show the Display # control that allows the user to select the number of items to show in the list. An example is shown below.
    If there are more items than this number, you can use the page navigation buttons (Start, Prev, Next, End, and page numbers) to navigate between pages. Note that if you have a large number of items, it may be helpful to use the Filter options, located above the column headings, to limit which items display.

  • Filter Field.The Filter Field creates a text field where a user can enter a field to be used to filter the Products shown in the list. An example of how this looks in the front-end layout is shown below.
The possible options for this (in the back-end menu item edit) are shown below.
  • Hide: Don't show a filter field.
  • Title: Filter on Product title.
  • Author: Filter on the author's name.
  • Hits: Filter on the number of Product hits.
  • Release Date: The release date of the albums
  • Table Headings.(Hide/Show) Table Headings show a heading above the Product list, as shown below.
    If set to Show, this heading will show about the list. Otherwise the list will show with no headings.
  • Show Date.This option allows you to show a date in the list. The options are as follows.
  • Hide: Don't show any date.
  • Created: Show the created date.
  • Modified: Show the date of the last modification.
  • Created: Show the start publishing date.
  • Date Format: Optional format string to control the format of the date (if shown). If left blank, the date will use the DATE_FORMAT_LC1 format from the language file (for example, "D M Y" for "31 December 2012" or "m-d-y" for "12-31-12"). See PHP Date Documentation for more information.
  • Show Hits in List: (Hide/Show) Whether to hide or show the number of hits for this item.
  • Show Price in Lists: (Hide/Show) Whether to hide or show the price for this item.
  • Show Author in List: (Hide/Show) Whether to hide or show the name of the author.
  • Show Sales: (Hide/Show) Whether to hide or show the number of sales for this item.



Shared Options

These options are shared by a number of the Products menu item types.

  • Category Order.Order of Categories in this Layout. The following options are available.
    • No Order: Products are ordered only by the Product Order, without regard to Category.
    • Title Alphabetical: Categories are displayed in alphabetical order (A to Z)
    • Title Reverse Alphabetical: Categories are displayed in reverse alphabetical order (Z to A)
    • Category Manager Order: Categories are ordered according to the Order column entered in the Category Manager.
  • Product Order.Order of Products in this Layout. The following options are available.
    • Most recent first: Products are displayed starting with the most recent and ending with the oldest. This is based on the Product Made Date.
    • Oldest first: Products are displayed starting with the oldest and ending with the most recent.
    • Title Alphabetical: Products are displayed by Title in alphabetical order (A to Z)
    • Title Reverse Alphabetical: Products are displayed by Title in reverse alphabetical order (Z to A)
    • Author Alphabetical: Products are displayed by Author in alphabetical order (A to Z)
    • Author Reverse Alphabetical: Products are displayed by Author in reverse alphabetical order (Z to A)
    • Most Hits: Products are displayed by the number of hits, starting with the one with the most hits and ending with the one with the least hits
    • Least Hits: Products are displayed by the number of hits, starting with the one with the least hits and ending with the one with the most hits
    • Product Manager Ordering: Products are ordered according to the Order column entered in the Product Manager.
    • Most Sales.
  • Date for Ordering.The date used when Products are sorted by date. The following options are available.
    • Created: Use the Product created date.
    • Modified: Use the Product modified date.
    • Published: Use the Product start publishing date.
    • Release Date. The release date of the products.
  • Pagination.Hide or Show Pagination support. Pagination provides page links at the bottom of the page that allow the User to navigate to additional pages. These are needed if the Products will not fit on one page. An example is shown below.
    The following options are available.
    • Auto: Pagination links shown if needed.
    • Show: Pagination links shown if needed.
    • Hide: Pagination links not shown. Note: In this case, Users will not be able to navigate to additional pages.
  • Pagination Results. Hide or Show the current page number and total pages (e.g., "Page 1 of 2") at the bottom of each page.



 Integration Options

These options control the display of news feeds. The View must have a view.feed.php file to provide the feed.

  • Show Feed Link. (Hide/Show) Whether to Hide or Show a link to a news feed (RSS Feed). If set to Show, a Feed Link will show up as a feed icon in the address bar of most modern browsers).
  • For each feed item show. (Intro Text/Full Text) If Intro Text, only the Product's intro text will show in the feed. Otherwise, the entire text of the Product will show.
  • Show "Read More". (Hide/Show) Hide or Show a "Read more" link in the newsfeed.



Live Updates

Enter your username password from the MyMuse site to enable downloads of new versions. You can also log in to the site and download them directly.



  • Username: Your username for your MyMuse subscription.
  • Password: Your password for your MyMuse subscription.

Permissions. Only apply to back-end groups. MYMUSE DOES NOT ALLOW FRONT END EDITING AT THIS TIME

This section lets you set up the default ACL permissions for all Products in all categories. These permissions may be overridden for specific categories and for specific Products.


To change the permissions, do the following.

  1. Select the Group by clicking its title.
  2. Find the desired Action. Possible Actions are:
    Configure. Users can access this screen (Product Manager→Options).
    Access Administrative Interface. Users can access the Product Manager.
    Create. Users can create new Products.
    Delete. Users can delete Products.
    Edit. Users can edit the contents of Products.
    Edit State. User can change the published state and related information for Products.
    Edit Own. User can edit the content or published state for Products that this user created.
  3. Select the desired permission for the action you wish to change. Possible settings are:
    Inherited. Inherited for users in this Group from Global Configuration.
    Allowed. Allowed for users in this Group. Note that, if this action is Denied at one of the higher levels, the Allowed permission here will not take effect. A Denied setting cannot be overridden.
    Denied. Denied for users in this Group.
  4. Click Save. When the screen refreshes, the Calculated Setting column will show the effective permission for this Group and Action.

Quick Tips

  • If you are a beginning user, you can just keep the default values here until you learn more about using global options.
  • If you are an advanced user, you can save time by creating good default values here. When you set up menu items and create Products, you will be able to accept the default values for most options.
  • All values set here can be overridden at the menu level.

Related Information




  • Hits: 108101


MyMuse comes with several types of plugins.

Under Mymuse there are  plugins for payments, shipping, discounts, orders, shoppergroup, audio previews, video previews, social share and a vote plugin.

Under User there are plugins for shopper profiles and redirect to cart.

Under Search there is a search plugin.

MyMuse Plugins Screenshot

plugins mymuse

Payment Plugins

Pay Offline

You can offer the option to pay offline, and confirm the order when the payment arrives, by publishing this plugin.



  • Message: an optional message to display beside the Pay Offline button.

Payment PayPal

 Offer an option to pay at PayPal by publishing this plugin.



  • PayPal Merchant Email: your main PayPal email
  • Use PayPal Micropayments: A micropayment Account gives a better deal on small payments. If you have two accounts, one as your main PayPal and one as your Micropayment Account, choose Yes here.
  • Micropayment account email: enter your Micropayment Account email here.
  • Micropayment $ Cutoff: The top  amount that should go to the MicroPayment Account
  • PayPal use Sandbox: Test PayPal in their Sandbox.
  • Paypal Sandbox Merchant Email: Sandbox merchant email.
  • PayPal Sandbox Customer Email: Optionsl Sandbox customer email.
  • Message: A message to include in email to the customer


Payment PayPal Pro (Direct Payment)

The customer enters their credit card information on your site. The payment to Paypal is made "behind the scenes" and customers are redirected to the thank you page.

 plugin payment paypalpro


  • Payment Option Title: The title that appears on the top of the payment page.
  • API Username: as created at PayPal.
  • API Password: as created at PayPal.
  • API Signature: as created at PayPal.
  • Sandbox API Username: as created at PayPal.
  • Sandbox API Password: as created at PayPal.
  • Sandbox: API Signature: as created at PayPal.
  • Sandbox: Yes or No to use the sandbox.
  • API call method: file_get_contents or curl. If one does not work on your host, try the other.
  • Messaage: A message to include in order emails to the customer.


Payment PayPal Express Checkout

The custoemnr is sent to Paypal to login in, check their account such as shipping address. Payment is made "behind the scenes" from their PayPal account and they are redirected to the thank you page.

plugin payment paypalexpress

  • Payment Option Title: The title that appears on the top of the payment page.
  • API Username: as created at PayPal.
  • API Password: as created at PayPal.
  • API Signature: as created at PayPal.
  • Sandbox API Username: as created at PayPal.
  • Sandbox API Password: as created at PayPal.
  • Sandbox: API Signature: as created at PayPal.
  • Sandbox: Yes or No to use the sandbox.
  • Message: A message to include in order emails to the customer.


Payment Moneybookers

 Offer an option to pay at MoneyBookers by publishing this plugin.



  • MoneyBookers Merchant Email: your MoneyBookers email.
  • Use secret word: Yes/No use a secret word you have entered at MoneyBookers.
  • Secret word: The secret word.
  • 2nd Email to recieve results:  Send results to a second email.
  • Logo Url: Must be on a secure server using https.
  • Message: A message to include in email to the customer


Payment Monsterpay


  • Transaction mode: Transaction mode used for processing orders. Be sure that you do your testing in Test mode.

  • Merchant ID: Merchant ID
  • Username: Username at Monsterpay
  • Password: Password for Monsterpay
  • Test Merchant ID: Can range from testseller1 to testseller20, corresponding to the test email account you use
  • Test Username: Test Username at Monsterpay. You can use This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. up to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the same password: testseller. Please log in at with the test user name and password and under Profile >> Selling Preferences >> Website Payment Preferences, enter the Return URL supplied below into the Redirect URL field under Auto-Redirect.
  • Test Password: Test Password for Monsterpay, defaults to testseller
  • Template ID: Sets the Payment Page Template on MonsterPay (Optional)
  • Currency: Currency you use with your cart. Please note Monsterpay only uses USD, EUR, GBP and ZAR.
  • Shipping Required: Use shipping set up at Monsterpay
  • Message: A message to include in email to the customer


Payment PayUnity

plugin payment payunity

  • Sender: Sender code you were provided at PayUnity.
  • Channel: Channel code you were provided at PayUnity.
  • User Login: User Login from PayUnity.
  • User password: Password from PayUnity.
  • Test Sender: Sender code you were provided at PayUnity.
  • Test Channel: Channel code you were provided at PayUnity.
  • Test User Login: User Login from PayUnity.
  • Test User password: Password from PayUnity.
  • User Test Server: yes of no.
  • Default Language: One of the European languages.
  • CSS for Payment page: Include a full link to a css file to include on the payment page.
  • Javascript File: Include a full link to a javascript file to include on the payment page.





Payment Payfast



  • Test Mode: Check this to put the interface in test mode
  • Merchant ID: Your Merchant ID as given on the Integration page on PayFast
  • Merchant Key: Your Merchant Key as given on the Integration page on PayFast
  • Currency: Payfast only deals in South African Rand: ZAR
  • Debugging: Check this to turn debugging on
  • Conversion multiplier: If you use another currency as your base currency, enter a multiplier to convert to ZAR.
  • Message: A message to include in email to the customer


Virtual Merchant


  • Virtual Merchant ID: Id for payment processor
  • User ID: The User ID that we tell Virtualmerchant to use
  • PIN: This PIN set up at Virtualmerchant
  • Testing: Test Environment at Virtualmerchant
  • Test Virtualmerchant ID: Test Id for payment processor.
  • Test User ID: The Test User ID that we tell Virtualmerchant to use
  • Test PIN: This Test PIN set up at Virtualmerchant


Shipping Plugins

Shipping Standard

plugin shipping standard options


  • Free Shipping: set a price so that shipping is free after that price.
  • Translate names as language strings: The Ship Carrier Name and Ship Method Name will be translated. You will have to include the translations in the plugins language files. For example



Options: Set up to three different shipping choices to present the customer. Each one has the following options.

  • Active: Yes/No.
  • Ship Carrier Name: example - Fedex.
  • Ship Method Name: example - Ground
  • Ship Handling Charge: Charge for the first item.
  • Ship Additional Charge: Charges for each additional item.
  • Ship to ALL countries: Yes or No. If no, then this shipping method is only for the countries listed below. If Yes, then countries listed below will be EXEPTIONS (All countries EXCEPT the ones below)
  • Countries: choose which countries to ship to or NOT ship to for this method.


Shipping Price


Options: Charge a percentage of the total or a fixed amount, when the price falls between different ranges.
Up to 12 ranges per shipper..

  • Apply by: amount/percent. Shipping will be an amount per option or a percentage of the cart total per option
  • Mimimum1: Define ranges for the cart total. Ex: 0 - 100
  • Maximum1: Top of a range. Up to 12 ranges.

Shippers: define up to 8 Shippers.

plugin shipping price shipper


  • Ship Carrier Name: The name of the shipper. Ex. UPS
  • Ship method Name: The name of te method. Ex. Overnight
  • Active: Yes or No
  • Ship to all countries: Yes or No. If No, only apply to the countries below. If Yes, apply to all countries EXCEPT the ones listed below.
  • Countries: Countries to ship to, or NOT ship to with this Shipper.
  • PerCent/Amount 1: The percentage or amount to charge for this range.
  • PerCent/Amount 2 ... 12: Up to 12 ranges per shipper.


Audio Previews

 Note that we try to offer three types of views with each audio player: one player for each, one player for all and playlist. This type can be set globally in the component Options and set individually by menu.

  • One Player for each: Each track gets its own player.
  • One Player for all: (Recommended) A player is presented above the tracks table and each track gets a "Play" button.
  • Playlist: The player appears above the tracks table with a clickable list of the tracks below it.

Audio HTML5

Use JPlayer to present your previews using HTML5. For browsers that do not support your previews it will fall back to a flash player. We suggest you upload mp3 and ogg versions of your previews to cover almost all browsers, the rest should be able to play the flash version. More information on HTML5 is available here. The Jplayer can be styled using css files in plugins/mymuse/audio_html5/skins



  • Include JQuery: JPlayer requies jquery javascript library be loaded. Joomla 3.x loads Jquery itself so you should not need this.
  • Show Errors: The JPlayer has an element called "Jplayer Inspector" that can be shown by turning on "Show Errors"

The JPlayer


Audio MP3 Player DewPlayer

A Flash player from Alsa Creations.


There are no options with this player.

Playlist example.

plugins mp3 dewplayer


Audio MP3 Player Flowplayer

Flash from There ae many options available for anyone who wants to edit the javascript in plugins/mymuse/mp3player_flowplyer/mp3player_flowplayer.php



  • Background Color: set the background color in hexadecimal.

plugins audio flowplayer player 

Video Previews: 

Video HTML5



  • Include JQuery: Joomla 3 loads Jquery itself, so this should not be necessary.
  • Show Errors: Turns on the JPlayer inspector at the bottom of the player and shows any errors.

The JPlayer video player



Video Flash Player DewPlayer DewTube

To have a 'poster' of the movie, the graphic that displays before the movie is played, you must save the image at the same size as the movie
and save it to the same preview directory the movie is in. Example: movie is images/A_MyMusePreviews/nature/lakes/lake_scene.flv, save the track 'Detail Image' as



  • Allow Full Screen: Let the user choose a full screen display.
  • Background Color: Set the default background color.

Screenshot with the menu's Product Options->'Player Type set to "Playlist"

plugin video dewplayer player


Video Flash Player Flowplayer



  • Allow Full Screen: Let the user choose a full screen display.
  • Background Color: Set the default background color.
  • Include JQuery: Include JQuery yes/no. Joomla 3 loads this already.

Screenshot with the menu's Product Options->'Player Type set to "One Player For Each".

plugins video flowplayer player






  • Type of Minimum: Choose Price subtotal or number of items.
  • Minimum: Minimum price or number of items.
  • Message: Message to send if minimum not met. Will be wrapped in JTEXT so you can translate it in lanuage files.




  •  There are no options. Enable voting or not.




User Plugins:


User MyMuse Profile



There are two groups of fields: one for Registration and admin user forms, the other for the Profile Edit Form.
Fields can be Required, Optional or Disabled.

Special fields are:

  • Shopper Group: you can create different shopper groups with different discouts and assign shoppers to different groups.
  • Category Owner: You can assign a shopper to be a Category Owner. If you have a menu for MyMuse Artist Sales Reports, this shopper can view the sales reports of the specified category.


User - MyMuse No Registration Profile



There are two groups of fields: one for Registration and admin user forms, the other for the Profile Edit Form.
Fields can be Required, Optional or Disabled.

Values are saved in the Notes section of orders.


Redirect on Login


Enable or not.



MyMuse Search


  • Search Limit: The number of products to display
  • Search Tracks and Items: Only: Include child items like tracks and items
  • Link to categories: Return URL's to the category level
  • Search Main Category Only: Search Main Category/Artist or All Categories


MyMuse Social Share is a component plugin that implements the Facebook Like, Facebook send , Twitter, Google +1, Linkedin, PinIt, Stumbleupon, Addthis, VK Like and VK Share buttons inside the MyMuse pages.

There are options for each social media. You can order the buttons with the Button Position options.

To use the VK Like button you must go to their site and create a web application. Copy the VK Application ID to here.


Direction Support: Left to Rigth or Right to Left

Position: One of Above Item Header, Below Item Header, Above Product, Above Item Comment.

Display on Category: Yes or No to display on Category pages.

Exclude Categories id: comma separated list of categories to exlude (Display on Category must be set to Yes)..

Exclude Product id: comma separated list of product ids to exclude.

plugin mymuse socialshare


 Discount Plugin

You can offer discounts based on the number of units in the Cart or the Total amount of the cart, with different discounts for up to 12 ranges.

PLEASE NOTE: the discount plugin has only been tested on PayPal, PayPal Pro and PayPal express. If you are using another payment plugin let us know.

plugin discount


  • Discount based on: Number of units in Cart or Total Amount of Cart.
  • Discount Type: A fixed amount or a percentage.
  • Minimum 1: If the units/total is over this number, the discount could apply.
  • Discount 1: the amount/percentage of the discount.
  • Minimum 2 .. 12, Discount 2 .. 12: Up to twelve ranges, the last one that matches applies.


  • Hits: 127005