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MyMuse for Joomla News

Version 3.4.2 Released

MyMuse 3.4.2 is available here. (You need a subscription to see the files)


  • Amazon S3 code! Now using Amazon's own php API code. Compatible with new regions.
    New option in MyMuse Store to set the region.
    Rewrite all S3 functions to use new API


  • Fix routing when there are nested categories.
  • Fix zip of 'All Files' to include 'other' files like pdf's.
  • Fix mod_mymuse_latest module to use javascript from jplayer plugin



  • Last updated on .
  • Hits: 5823

Version 3.4.1 Released

MyMuse 3.4.1 is available here. (You need a subscription to see the files)

Always some fixes on a new release and some new additions:

  • New function to test that all files (previews and downloads) are there.
  • Fix confusion with Orderby Track and Order Track Date. Now all views have these options to set.
  • Update mod_mymuse_latest to use the artist id instead of category id.
  • Fix bug with saving AllFiles not returning to proper page.



  • Last updated on .
  • Hits: 7307

Version 3.4.0 Released

We are so happy to announce the release of version 3.4.0! After many months we have integrated many new things and improved the code.

Many new features including:

  • Sell in different formats. Give your customers the choice of mp3 and wav, for example.
  • Price by product. Give one price for mp3's and another for wav's.
  • Open Graph and Twitter Cards for each product and category. Make social sharing easier.

 For storing your files, some options to give more flexibility:

  • Download Directory Type: choose between "Artist-alias/Product-alias" and "By Format"
  • Previews all in one Directory: option to put all your previews in a single directory.
  • Use Zip for All Files: instead of a list of files to download, send your customers one big zip.

 And more options for the Store:

  • Use Product alias in URL: SEF URL's will use only the top menu alias/product alias in the router.
  • Top MyMuse Menu: This will be first in URLs before your product/category alias or cart function.
  • Show Cart Previews: Show Previews for tracks in cart
  • Show Cart Player: Show the Player in the Cart
  • Notes Required: Force the customer to enter notes.
  • Disable CSS: Do not load the MyMuse CSS file. You have copied it into your main template.css or somewhere else.
  • Plugin email: Be notified by the Payment Plugin for every transaction.

Find the new version HERE. You must be logged in with a subscription to see the files. :)

MyMuse now comes with only the basic plugins. If you need more they are free and available here.

  • Last updated on .
  • Hits: 6481

PayPal Plugin Fix!

We have update the PayPal plugin.

There was a change in PayPal in March that led to intermittant problems. Sometimes the message will be "Things don't appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later."

Our PayPal plugin sent a custom field which is now too long. Please update to the latest version here.

  • Last updated on .
  • Hits: 6429

MyMuse 3.3.3 Fixes Session Bug

Since the arrival of Joomla 3.6, the way the session user is saved has changed. MyMuse now saves profile information in a separate session variable.

If you were using the 'no-registration' option, please upgrade immediately. Otherwise you will notice all orders being made by 'Guest Buyer' instead of the customer's actual name.

Download it here.

  • Last updated on .
  • Hits: 7894